Collection I

Hazard Gaming’s Collection I is an eclectic mix of fourteen short-form roleplaying articles for all systems and genres. Inside you’ll find campaign scenarios, random generation tables, game mastering tips, and player-facing resources.

It’s a carefully crafted assortment of resources designed to help you elevate your game.

What’s in a Goblins’ Pocket?
A brief exploration of the value  of suggesting creatures have a life beyond getting killed by the PCs. And, on the off-chance push does come to shove, a handy random table of items you might find in a (dead) goblin’s pocket.

The Blackbarrow

Motok the Unforgiving burnt the castle at the centre of County Rhode. When will she return for the riches entombed in the ruins.

The Festival Of The…
Festivals are fertile ground for action and intrigue. You’ll find tips on how to use them and a festival generator so you can add one to your game on the fly.

Shadow and Flame

An ancient and unknowable entity has been released. What is it, and what does it want? A contemporary scenario for investigators or “Kids on Bikes” style games.

The Reaver
A precocious mage, a pre-emptive strike, and a sword adrift in the astral plane.

Pets Add Punch
What kind of monster wouldn’t add some colour by using this a random animal companion generator?

The Columbia
Details of a Victorian gentelman’s club dedicated to Americans who want a taste of home. Suitable for play during any time.

The Timely Green
Thames, Geruda, Ashar, and Endolynn are The Timely Green. A group of travelling ecoterrorist musicians with big plans.

If you go down in the woods…
The canny GM adds some uncanny to their campaigns. This resource helps you create some truly magical encounters by introducing details that will keep your players guessing.

Adopt a Demon
Demons transcend genre and give your tales some extra breadth. They’re also ideal for drawing in an under-utilized character or tentative player. Add one to your game with the included demon generator.

Your NPCs are your MVPs
Interesting NPCs are a great reminder that being “behind the screen” is as much about discovering what happens for you as it is for the folks on the other side.

Sandbox Games
Running a sandbox game just got easy.

A Day on the Ocean
Add some fun encounters to a trip on the briny blue.

The Old Stone Dell
On the edge of Lancet Woods stands an inn, the last bastion of some small gods with big ideas.