Monthly Archives: June 2016

On Monday night I ran a game of Call of Cthulhu, specifically The Haunting, formerly, The Haunted House. It’s a well known scenario found in every edition of Call of Cthulhu as well as in all the free “Quick Start Rules” .pdfs. It’s really a good introduction to the mythos […]

The Point of Departure: Pt. 1

Image of Ghostbusters
There’s something about the promise of a boxed-set. For me they’re evocative of roleplaying in general, and specifically of MERP. It was the first boxed set I owned. For a lot of folks it’s probably the “red box” or something like that (the first D&D book I owned was the Advanced Player’s […]

What’s in the Box?- Ghostbusters (GBI)

By user:Pieter1 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
People begin their design of a roleplaying game in all sorts of different places in the design, and for all sorts of different reasons. It might be a cool dice mechanic you thought up, the desire to create a certain type of character, or a reaction to something somewhere you […]

The Perfect Metaphor

I read an article about paying for games which basically, was saying that aside from Gary Gygax nobody really got rich from role-playing so buy stuff and support writers. It also raised the point that, like musicians, RPG writers have been disadvantaged by torrenting. I agree, but I think that unlike musicians, […]

Is Organized Play Good For the Hobby?